those little nudges...

For quite some time now we've been feeling that little nudge to take a step of faith and list our house...our beautiful house on 20 beautiful acres in the perfect area...what?!  Who would ever do that?!  

But...we are listening and trusting that the God who blessed us with this land will not lead us astray or "yank" this land out from under us to give us something that isn't aligned with our hearts desire or His.  

Life is a constant walk of faith, isn't it?  We seem to be on a perfect path, everything is wonderful and then those little nudges asking us to take a different path, or get uncomfortable, or do something that seems a little crazy!  

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Throughout the course of my oil journey it has become evidently clear that I cannot stay the same and become who I want to be or who I believe He has created me to be.  I have pushed myself outside my comfort zone, listened to those little nudges (sometimes better than others) and pursued a change that betters myself and everyone around me!  

I never thought that these simple bottles of oil would be so life changing but oh, was I ever wrong!