"Healthy" Java Chip Frappuccino

healthy java chip blended coffee.JPG

So I just got in from mowing the lawn, or part of it.  To mow the lawn at our place you need some time and a big mower.  Today I had time but I used the little mower...by little mower I mean our 47" deck John Deer.  Its really pretty nice.  It's a hand-me-down from some dear friends and I pretty much know how to do what I need to do on it and get out of binds if they should happen (ahem) but it is slower so I was out there for an hour or two (I lost track because of the podcasts and books I was listening to).  Anyway...after I showered I wanted something cold and refreshing...and I remembered the cold brew from our local coffee shop (The Mill)...cue angels singing!  

But then I got an idea...what if I blended up some almond milk, a bit of frozen banana + ice for texture, of course a shot of the cold brew, a scoop of cocoa, some chocolate chips, a couple drops of doTERRA Peppermint, and a tiny bit of our TerraGreens ?  Well I did it and the pictures represents what I ended up with...coffee lovers paradise!

Here's a more precise recipe:

- small handful of ice + about a 1/4 frozen banana

- 1/2 cup Almond Milk (I like Blue Diamond)

- 1/4 cup The Mill's Cold Brew

- small handful of chocolate chips

- 2 drops doTERRA Peppermint

- 1/2-1 tsp TerraGreens (These greens are dehydrated but pack a taste punch so I use a little less for things that I want to really taste the drink or food not the TerraGreens - smoothies use a half to full scoop)  

- Blend it up and enjoy!  Mine has been long gone, and this post is short.  ;)


If you'd like to browse all that doTERRA has to offer check out my link Essentials Everyday and send me a message if you'd like to chat about what oils would be best for you to get started with.  I often suggest the Home Essential's kit as it comes with 10 of the most used oils + a diffuser and all the help you need to get started from me!  You can find out more about that kit and a few others here.  A kit doesn't look right for you?  No problem...you can order whatever you want with the $35 wholesale membership.  That will give you 25% off, and more, for a year!    Let's chat!