An Opportunity that will CHANGE your LIFE!

When people say, "This changed my life!" do you roll your eyes, do you sincerely want to know more details?  What if they say it was Network Marketing?  Gasp!  For real?!  Isn't that a pyramid scheme?!  

Let me chat with you a few minutes if you would be so kind and read on.  First of marketing is what every human being does whether they have a J.O.B. or not...we all network to find the best daycare, to find a deal on our next car, to see who has a coupon for our favorite store.  Second, a Pyramid Scheme is illegal and no one ever gets their products and only the person on the very top gets paid.  Don't you think if a company who has been around for 10 years, has over 5 million in customers, been in Forbes, is voted the best place to work for a small business, and more would be shut down long ago if it was illegal?  

I want to voice a thought on this matter...I do believe that the only reason people say these things is because they are scared of something so grand, so life changing...they don't understand and therefore they act out in fear.  But there is not room for fear on this blog or within doTERRA...not that kind of fear anyway.  

doTERRA is about changing lives, creating within people a desire to live better/grander/bigger!  Is that you?!  Is your heart yearning for more to this life?  Are you tired of being stuck in your 9-5, your current house, your head?  Come with me on this journey that has sparked a fire that was almost put out within my own heart but is now a burning passion!  

I desire to see lives changed for the bigger, the better, the grander!  Paul and I are on a mission to help people see real change, real freedom...both in their physical and emotional status but also in their dream state, their financial means, their freedom!  

I would love to chat in more detail about what YOU want in life and how doTERRA could be a tool to help you get there.  Please take just 5 minutes and see if this video fans that little (or big) flame in your heart.  

- Kristin