Train your mind...

Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
When I was a young mom of toddlers I often had to take a step away, take a deep breathe, apply/breathe in some oils in order to speak or react kindly.
My grandma was amazing at this...she always spoke kindly, never said a bad word about anyone, everyone who met her left changed. People say I’m like my grandma...if I could only have half of the kind heart she had I’d be a better human.
This morning I prayed to be kind, to choose kindness, to see the good, to choose positivity. It’s not easy and it’s a retraining of a lazy brain but cheers to a new day, a new Monday and a new week to work on this! 💫

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