PUREfume - Creating that Signature Scent!

Find out why you might want to make the switch from traditional perfumes to an essential oil blend, how to make your scent last as long as possible, ways to make your blend, plus a few recipes! Thanks for subscribing too! . Want all the extras? Click here!

Pure Beeswax Candles

Pure beeswax candle making! So fun, so easy, we’ll be doing it again for sure!
All you need:
• Vessels to pour the wax.
• Beeswax
• Stainless steel vessel to melt the wax (using double boiler method), and wicks. I ordered off #amazon but I’m sure your local craft store has supplies too. You can even make your own wicks.
• We added a few of our favorite essential oils too. The big one is our two favorite holiday scents!
Who’s all about making some candles now? 🙋🏻‍♀️


Dragging at 9am?!

Every have those days you feel like you’re dragging and it’s only 9 in the morning? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Ha, feels like the norm for 2020? Yeah, pretty much! 🤣

I have been working on getting back into my preferred get up around 6, grab my coffee, read and then be ready when the kids get up at 7. I love how this makes me feel ready for the day…and I always feel way more productive by the end of the day.

Anyway, today I’m dragging because yesterday we spent almost the whole day outside and my body, apparently, is not use to so much fresh air! I did grab an extra cup of coffee but I also made this amazing blend that smells delish and is so energizing! Be sure to check out my newest YouTube video for another energy tip!

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☕️ I Need a Cup to Cope ☕️
2 drops Clove
4 drops Peppermint
4 drops Lime
🎉 your caffeine fix delivered via essential oils!

Try it and let me know if you feel ready to tackle the rest of the day!

I share another great tip for increasing your energy over on YouTube. I hope you check it out.

Train your mind...

Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
- ourpositivity.com
When I was a young mom of toddlers I often had to take a step away, take a deep breathe, apply/breathe in some oils in order to speak or react kindly.
My grandma was amazing at this...she always spoke kindly, never said a bad word about anyone, everyone who met her left changed. People say I’m like my grandma...if I could only have half of the kind heart she had I’d be a better human.
This morning I prayed to be kind, to choose kindness, to see the good, to choose positivity. It’s not easy and it’s a retraining of a lazy brain but cheers to a new day, a new Monday and a new week to work on this! 💫

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Sweet Apple Rings

Stop what you’re doing and MAKE THESE! Sweet dehydrated apple slices...made a batch last night and they’re GONE already!
It’s super simple...
🍎 Slice your apple slices thin.
🍋 Put them in lemon water + #onguard essential oil for an extra immune boost. 💪🏼
🧂 Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
🔥 Pop in your #dehydrator #ovenor, like I’ve been using, your #airfryer
Are you a pro in the dehydrating world? Tell me your favorite recipes! New to dehydrating? Be sure to check out my cucumber chip recipe on my #reelz channel.


Allowing freedom, flexibility and grace within the biz life I've created.

Yesterday morning I had a lovely chat with a great friend at my place.  When she left it was time for lunch and to get some business done before picking up the kids from school.  But when I sat down to work I found myself super distracted and tired. I had so much I wanted to do but couldn’t get focused to do any of it!

Has this ever happened to you? 🙋🏻‍♀️


I decided to give up and head outside.  Fresh air and movement always clears the mind for me.  And guess what?  I had a revelation, actually a thought I’ve had before but life is a journey so I’m still learning it.  My thoughts… 👇🏻

Why do I try and fit my work-life into the same box a 9-5 job would require?  Why do I “should” all over my life and biz when no one is demanding any of it?  Why do I think I have to work an 8 hour day and feel bad when I don’t?  Do you ever feel this way? 💯

You see the life I’ve worked hard to create allows for afternoon’s or whole days off, mid week, with no explanation needed.  The life I’ve created allows me to put in a couple morning hours, when I create best, and use the afternoon for brainless activities, chores around the house or errands/shopping. The life I’ve created allows freedom, flexibility, and rest.

There’s room for you in this messy and beautiful life of creating, figuring out our rhythms, choosing passion and being the boss!  Wanna join me? ⚡️

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