Imperfect ramblings

So, I've been having these thoughts lately, heart speaking from above, about rest but also about how I am being called to something a little outside my comfort zone and something that is a little foreign to me.  I don't have all the details yet, hence the name of this post being a few ramblings, but I do have these words and snapshots...

- Breathe sessions

- Coaching Women

- Writing/Blogging

- Imperfectly Perfect

I feel like I'm one of those people, and although I wouldn't consider myself a perfectionist, I do hold myself back from attempting something for fear of getting it wrong, it not being perfect, failing, not knowing what I'm doing...stuff like that.  So, the thought of writing or coaching women when I don't usually feel like I have much to say or write about, and that I'm still figuring things out myself but I should write more, blog more, and start coaching women in some way is somewhat terrifying!  

But I do know this...that God did not call me to a life of always knowing or seeing the path.  Sometimes I hide in the shadows only seeing barely around the corner, other times I walk in completely faith and totally blind, and all the times I am given what I can handle for that time and day...but it may not always be easy and I most definitely won't ever feel totally qualified.  

So, as I contemplate this next step, whatever it truly is...I just put this out there that I may not always have complete sentences, complete thoughts, it may not be perfect...but if you want to walk this journey with me then let's go!  


Creating a life you LOVE because you've kicked fear to the curb and because it's who you are to your core!  


More on the coaching aspect to come but if that is speaking to you and you'd like to chat more please send me a message.  :)