buti yoga love

If you know me or have been following anything I post lately you'll see/read a lot about Buti Yoga.  Buti Yoga is described as workouts that transform your BODY + SOUL with cardio-intensive bursts of tribal dance, primal movement + conditioning woven into a dynamic yoga practice.  It truly nourishes my soul, makes me feel alive, pushes me and tones my body.  It is something I truly look forward to practicing each day...it excites me!  

So, as you can imagine, when I hurt my tailbone just a little over a week ago I was immediately saddened by the fact that I wouldn't be able to practice Buti for awhile.  :(  Here's the thing...we need to give ourselves permission to rest and heal.  Sometimes we push and push and our body has to get our attention somehow to make us stop, slow down and rest for awhile.  And so, with rest and lots of oils, I am on the journey of healing both for my tailbone and my soul.  It's always a journey isn't it?  

If you're curious what oils I've been using of course I'd love to share them with you. Check out my periscope for all the details.  Send me a quick message and we'll chat about what oils you can use for your situation.  If you're curious to learn more about Buti you can check out their website at  www.butiyoga.com or connect with me and I can add you to our private Facebook group!  It's a community of women who seek to learn and grow not only in their Buti practice but also in their eating, body image, and impact on those around them.

I look forward to chatting with you.  

- Kristin
