Flash Sale

Oh wow!  doTERRA has never done a flash sale before but it's doing a lot of first time things recently...so excited to see what the sale items might be!  

If you already have a wholesale account with doTERRA then all you need to do is check your shopping portal starting at midnight tonight (MST) or tomorrow (the 22nd of March) and you'll see the banner to click for the 25% off items!  

Now, if you don't have a wholesale account this is a must as it gives you 25% off the retail price and then these items will also be 25% off the 25% off price...follow me?  :)  So, if you haven't already been working with someone about doTERRA then I would love to be your doTERRA person!  I can help you get the best discount for your needs and the best support through our team wide customer service and support.  

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