The truly amazing effects Balance oil has in our blood stream!

Even if you don’t think you need it, you probably do. 😉

Here’s a the thing…you can definitely use oils in the moment for head stuff, breathing, calming, etc. but using them preventatively is where the magic is. ✨

•try a drop on your wrists and take several deep breathes of this blend before you head into a store during the Christmas season. Also before you take off for your commute during rush hour.

•try this in your diffuser with serenity for calming sleep or around anxious pets. Yes it’s safe, just leave the doors open so they can leave a room if they want too. You can also apply to there backs and tips of ears.

•try a couple drops in some Epsom salts and baking soda for a relaxing bath experience.

•try a couple drops on a cotton ball in your intimates drawer, in your air vents in your car or on the towels you put away in the linen closet.

•try a drop on the back of the neck of kiddos before they leave for school in the morning. If they need a little mold boost at lunch have a cotton ball with a couple drops in their lunch box.

These are just a few ways I’ve learned to use the doTERRA calming blend. It’s loved by almost everyone who opens the bottle. I’d love to hear how you use it too! Please share in the comments. 👇🏼

How to use essential oils for your dogs.

Over the 8+ years I’ve used doTERRA essential oils I’ve had so many amazing situations where these oils have helped support my dogs health and emotional wellness! One of my most recent stories you can find here:

I’ve used everything from DigestZen for tummy’s (if you’ve ever had a Great Dane you know they have sensitive stomachs), to Serenity for calming during storms and fireworks, Copaiba for supported inflammation, healing and discomfort when my Rat Terrier broke his tail, to CorrectX for the many adventures they’ve had and come home with proof!

I also reference “Spoil Your Pet” by Mia K Freeze, DVM and Jan C. Jeremias, MSc. as well as “Essential Oils for Dogs and Cats” by Skye Petterson. Not all oils are safe for cats and dogs so be sure to only use doTERRA and reference these books before you use them. Also, I love Dr. Janet Roark, the Essential Oil Vet, she’s a wealth of information and has a private community you can get extra training and information monthly. Check out her website here.

Often people wonder about how much and how often, both for humans and pets! So feel free to pin this graphic for easy reference.

I’d love to hear from you! What oil stories do you have using oils on your pets?