Oils in the Bedroom Masterclass

Yes, you can use oils in the bedroom for fun, to intensify feelings, to destress and unwind, to get you in the mood and more! Find out more this Thursday at 12 Central for our Oils in the Bedroom Masterclass! Register here. Cost of the class is $11.99 with lifetime access to replay and ebook!

Find out more in this quick video:

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Did someone say spa day?

Not Botox! 🚫 Create your own spa treatment at home for a fraction of the cost! You can have great looking skin with these products!

Yarrow Pom is nurturing, hydrating, reduces lines and wrinkles, plus it supports your immune function.

Tea Tree is a cost effective but powerful player to our skin, immune health, purifies everything it touches.

And check out the spa treatment at home with our anti-aging eye cream! 💛

Buy our amazing Yarrow Pom blend and get a full size Tea Tree and Anti-Aging Eye Cream free! $95 gets you over $150 in products! Plus get 25% off retail for a whole year! No strings attached! Click here to explore purchase options: https://doterra.me/YkXHoPNh

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Ditch and Switch

It seems like every year when January rolls around we’re looking for a way to detox, purge, get back to some semblance of normal after all the delicious yet high sugar and fat foods of the Holidays, am I right? There is also an amount of purging that goes on in our homes as we make room for all the new Christmas gifts, have a little time to sort the kids outgrown clothes or maybe realize your own clothes don’t fit like they use to.

So, what about how you clean and take care of your home? You’ve probably at least thought about all the chemicals that are in the different cleaning, body and beauty products you use. If you haven’t that’s a whole other post…anything from toxic cancer causing ingredients, dyes, hormone disruptors and more! No one should be subjecting their body to that much yuck!

It’s time for CHANGE! It’s time for little swaps that can make a BIG difference!

Join me live on FB or Instagram, Thursday January 14th at 12pm Central for a Ditch and Switch class. I’ll show you how to make cleaning products, give you recipes I already use throughout my home as well as some cost effective, natural solutions that work for taking care of your body! See you then!

If you missed the live check out the replay on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xBEZsKV0O70